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Fitness and health

Medicare members can choose personalized fitness options, including gyms, home equipment, online classes, and nutrition programs through FitOn Health.

About FitOn Health

FitOn Health (FitOn) is a fitness and health platform that gives you access to 13,000+ gyms and studios, including popular gyms like O2, Life Time, YMCAs and more.1With $112 per month to spend, you have the flexibility to choose the best fitness options for you. Use the funds on:

  • The gym(s) of your choice (even if it’s not in the FitOn network)
  • In-person classes
  • Premium FitOn equipment like yoga mats, dumbbells, and more

Plus, enjoy unlimited use of the digital platform with live and on-demand classes from expert instructors, activity tracking, nutrition programs, and more.


Hi Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Medicare. We are so excited you’re here. I am Breann with FitOn. Thanks for joining me for this quick HIIT workout. This is one of the many ways that Blue Cross of North Carolina Medicare and FitOn can help keep you fit and healthy. Let’s get started.

Today we’re going to go through a super quick all low impact HIIT workout. I’m so excited because these moves are dynamic and it’s going to get your heart rate up just as high as high impact. So, if you’re ready, go ahead and take a big deep breath in with me, lift up, exhale, put that smile on, get ready for some fun. Exhale. We’re going to start with two reaches high, two reaches low. Now I have four warm-up moves. It’s going to ease us into what you have ahead. No equipment needed today, just a lot of energy.

And I need you to start thinking about level change right away because that’s going to help you elevate that heart rate. So, as you’re reaching up, reach nice and tall through those fingertips, and then sink down low and continue to think about level change as we move through the warm-up and the workout today. Good, give me a couple more. And our next move coming up we’re going to warm up a little bit through the obliques. Good, last one.

Now we’re going to take it to a diagonal knee pull. So two knees and then open the hips. When you feel comfortable reach up nice and high with those arms. Another way you’re going to get your heart rate up today is by reaching up creating a lot of level change. And then the next piece: speed. You’ll have plenty of time to get into that as we get into our working sets.

Good, just a few more. And just think big range of motion. Last one. And next we’re going to go into reverse tap back. So we’re going to go nice and low, and then two knees in front of your body. Reach back, tap low, arms right by the ears, knees come up overhead. Very nice job.

All right we’re getting close to the end of the warm-up. So start to speed it up just a little bit if you can. Last one. And your last warm-up move: low impact jack. Reach overhead tap low. Nice job. All right guys, this workout is going to be quick and I’m reminding you of that again right now so that you don’t waste any time.

I need maximum effort. It’s over before you know it. Good halfway there. See if you get a little deeper into that squat. Great work. Head and chest stays up. And last cue, I want you to maintain the entire workout tight core. Good last one. And pause. Okay make sure you do have a towel and water close. Take a quick sip with me. We’re going to get into our first working block.

So here’s how it’s going to run. We have two moves. We’re going to do each of them twice through: 30 on 15 off. Then we’re going to put a combination together. Take a big deep breath with me. Exhale. Good another big deep breath in. Get ready. Your first move: wide knee pull. Here we go. So take those arms overhead, core tight. Bring the knees up towards the chest. And now when you think about range of motion and speed, this is where you can start to pull it out. Good. Reaching up nice and high thinking about squeezing the lats. Good. and then get those knees up nice and tall. Don’t sink into your low back. Lifted chest. Very nice work. Move two coming up. Three, two, one, pause.

So 30 on 15 off. Move number two: tap down low reach overhead. So traveling out, side to side. On your 15 seconds, stay active, stay moving, recover your body. And get ready, we’re back in it. Let’s go. Tap. reach overhead. Sink down, and then just like I mentioned in the warm-up, reach up tall. Now the definition of low impact: always have at least one foot on the floor. Couple times. Halfway there. Big reach. You guys look so good. Heart rate’s going to start to pick up. When you feel that, keep breathing deeply, get the oxygen to your muscles.

Break right here. 15 seconds. We’re going to run those again, then we’re going to put a combo together. Reminder, high knee pull coming up. Step touch in between. You look so good. Now you’re starting to feel the heat build. Let’s go. Round two. Wide pull knees up. It’s really easy to want to sink. I want you to stay nice and tall but control with the core. Now can you speed it up? There it is!

Keep going. you control the entire movement and start to really turn the dial on speed and range of motion. You’re going to feel your heart rate fall out. Great work. And pause right here. Eyes on me. Reminder: low tap, reach overhead. We have one more run through, then we’re going to do the combo. We do the combo one time, then we’re going to move on to block two.

Get ready. Tap low, reach high. Hit it. Good work. Now arguably, low impact can sometimes really sneak up on you and you feel that heart rate increase pretty quickly. Lean into it, do not quit. Remember: short, quick hits. Never want to leave the workout going “I think I had a little bit more.” I’m saving you from that later. If you just push right now. Three, two, one, break.

Okay eyes on me. Two pulls, tap reach, tap reach. I’ll give you a couple extra seconds here to pause and then we’re going to run that. I sip water the whole time, keeps you energized. 10 second heads up. We’re going to put that combo together. Get ready. Shake it out. We’re really sinking into this workout now. And 30 seconds on the clock. Combo go. Knee, tap, reach. Yes. Down, up. Level change. Tall knees. Reach low. Reach high. Then speed. Looking so good. Halfway there. Yes. This is when I start to get fired up. Do you feel the intensity start to increase? Join me. And how do you join me? With your body, with your movement. Break. Very nice work.

Okay step touch right here. Little bit of a longer break. A whopping 30 seconds. We’re going into block number two. Now I will mention you can take breaks whenever you want. But I’m going to make sure we keep this a quick HIIT by moving us along pretty quickly.

Okay you ready for this one? Imagine you have a huge medicine ball and you’re going to slam it side to side. I want you to rotate your body, sink low into that lunge. Get ready 30 seconds to practice. Go. I accentuate my exhale to remind you to breathe. And think about keeping your abs tight. So every time you blow out your air, pull in with your core.

Halfway. Sink down now check in with yourself. Can you go lower? Can you slam with more power? Yes. 5 Seconds team. And time. Breathe. okay move number two, I’m going to do to the front with you. But just a heads up, we’ll eventually be doing it to the side.

So it’s going to come into: lunge, kick, lunge, switch your leads. Yes. Let’s go. Lunge, kick. Lunge, switch. So tap low, kick with power. switch your legs. This is a push kick. Really want to chamber the knee which activates the core. And push with a lot of power. Love it. I’ll angle just a tad for you. Sink low. Two times. Lunge, kick, lunge, switch. Break. Love the breaks, right?

Now I just want you to know if you’re starting to feel that heart rate really pick up, it’s double the work to the rest. I’m pushing us today, but you can do it. Okay, ball slam. Second round. Let’s start to the other side first. Go! Big rotation. So I’m focused on rotating, squaring my hips to either side. Now get lower. Now go bigger with your arms. Now go lower with the legs. Now go faster. 10 seconds. Come on feel that burn start to inch its way in. But you don’t stop. You keep pushing. Three, two, one. Now you can break. You got to work for the breaks. Lunge, kick, lunge, quick break. Combo.

I get really excited for the combos. Just a heads up. It’s a little low impact HIIT choreography. Lunge, kick, lunge, go. Switch. Now because this is individual, you’re pushing your own speed and range of motion, you don’t have to be following mine. That’s the beautiful thing about this workout. And really anytime you work out, it is always you versus you. Use me as your guide not the benchmark. Come on. 5 Seconds. And break. 30 second. Break.

Grab that sip of water. If you’ve never tried tiny sips in your workout, just trust me today and do it. It helps. Okay combo: three slams, lunge, kick, lunge, switch. 15 seconds. So this is going to alternate. Three, two, one. Kick. Three, two, one. Kick. Let’s make our brains work a little bit. Here we go. Lunge, slam it, kick it. There we go. Three, two, one, kick. Three, two, get low, kick it. Slam. Kick. Slam down. Kick. Come on. Almost there. I’m watching that clock for us. Kick. Slam. Down and up. Kick. Slam. And break. Step touch. Okay keep your step touch going. I’m going to give you a little bit longer break: 45 seconds.

Here’s what we got next team. You now have two combos, yes? 30 seconds, we’re going to run both combos. This time back to back: 30, 30, 15 second break. The break stays the same, the work gets a little longer. So I’m going give you 30 more seconds right now. Really, really gather that breath. Grab a sip. We’re doing this two times, then we cool down. That’s it. And you know when you work out with me, you can trust me. I’m going to give you the plan and I will never stray you away from the truth. That is all we have left. So in the spirit of no regrets, give me everything you got right now. Two knee pulls, low, high, lateral travel. So just reminder visually, down up down. 30 seconds. Ready? Hit it. Down up, down up, pull. Yes. all right.

Get settled in the fact that we’re going to be moving together, but what is the piece that you just heard. That should stand out the most? Together. we’re going to do this together. We’re here. We’re a team. Don’t stop, just keep your eyes locked on me. I see you. Okay getting ready. Ball slam go. Three lunge, kick, lunge, switch. Three, two, lunge, kick, switch it. Make sure you are kicking the opposite way every set. Come on slam it. And kick it. 10 seconds. The last few seconds are the hardest. Do not stop. Come on. You got this. And break. Just 15 seconds.

This is going to be the hardest set you’ve done all day. But it’s the last one. Ready? Deep breath. Exhale. Calm that breathing. Two knees and go. Tap down, up. Yes. Come on last run through. You’ve come this far. Too far to turn back. And you’re so close to feeling amazing. If you don’t already. All right guys. Almost done with this first combo. You’re not going to see this again. Come on. 5 seconds. We go ball slam. I want you to really throw it down for me this time. Here we go, three, two, kick.

All right now what I want you to throw down as you’re slamming are excuses you tell yourself that you can’t do something. And you know what that kick is? The last piece. Kick it out of your life. This is what you’re going to do cause when you’re finished with this workout, you’re unstoppable. Come on. 5 seconds, three, two, one.

Celebration step touch. Nice job. amazing work. Keep that step touch. Keep your head above your heart. In through the nose. Out through your mouth. Just breathe. exhale. You did so good. I’m so proud of you. Big deep breath in. Exhale. Another two big deep breaths in. Just a quick cool down. Last one deep breath in. Exhale.

Take your hands gently behind your back, interlace your fingers. Keep your step touch because I already know your heart rate’s still high. So we want to lower that together. That’s why even every single workout I do with you there’s always a small cool down. If not a large one. But at least a small one because it’s so important you calm your heart rate down just like we build it up together. Okay pause in the center. Quad stretch. Hold it. Great work.

Now right about now is when your heart rate starts to drop down. Switch your legs. What’s kicking in? The endorphins, that feeling of “I actually like what I just did.” That felt hard in the moment but this is how I feel after. And I love to kind of call this out in these moments because this is the feeling that I want you to hang on to. Good. Take this left leg back, pop your toe up.

This is the moment I want you to really hone in on and store this in your memory bank. Go ahead and switch. So that anytime you think I don’t have time, nope you got 15 minutes. I don’t know, I don’t have the space. Nope we didn’t take up a lot of space. Last chest stretch. Oh it’s too hard. Nope you can do it cause you just did it. All right final two deep breaths in with me. Lift up. Exhale. Last one with the biggest smile. Lift it up exhale. Bring it together great job.

Thanks Blue Cross of North Carolina Medicare. I had a great time and I hope you did, too. Everyone here at FitOn is so excited to serve the Blue Cross North Carolina Medicare community. I’ll see you next time. 

If you are not yet a member of a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) Medicare plan, we encourage you to learn more about the benefits we offer.